175+Creative and Funny Ways to Say Had Sex

There are certain conversations that you may not want to have with your family, friends, or co-workers. And one of those topics is sex. But there’s nothing wrong with having a little humor when it comes to talking about something so private and intimate! Whether you and your partner recently did the deed, or you’re just curious about creative ways people refer to their encounters, in this blog post we’ll look at some funny and inventive slang phrases used around the world to describe had sex! From common shorthand like ‘Netflix & chill’ to hilarious terms like ‘riding the baloney pony’, get ready for a journey through sexual undertones both old and new!

Ways to Say Had Sex

Below are the 5 best ways to say “Had Sex” in 2024:

  1. Engaged in Intimate Relations
  2. Made Love
  3. Were Intimate
  4. Slept Together
  5. Hooked Up

Ways to Say Had Sex

Funny Ways to Say Had Sex

Below are the 90 funny ways to say “Had Sex”:

  1. Explored the cave of wonders together.
  2. Performed the mattress mambo delightfully.
  3. Engaged in sensual pillow-top tango.
  4. Conducted a steamy symphony of love.
  5. Rode the wave of passion’s embrace.
  6. Launched a love rocket to pleasure planet.
  7. Synchronized the dance of intimate desire.
  8. Ventured into a euphoric wonderland escapad.
  9. Plunged into the depths of desire’s ocean.
  10. Partook in rambunctious nocturnal gymnastics.
  11. Unleashed the beast of passionate delight.
  12. Embarked on a steamy bedroom safari.
  13. Danced in the moonlit boudoir ballet.
  14. Navigated the thrilling rollercoaster of love.
  15. Glided through the sensual tides of ecstasy.
  16. Dove into the pool of lustful bliss.
  17. Galloped on the exhilarating passion’s steed.
  18. Frolicked in the garden of sensual delights.
  19. Ignited the fireworks of electrifying pleasure.
  20. Conjured up a magical storm of passion.
  21. Did the horizontal mambo.
  22. Visited the amusement park.
  23. Took a trip to pound town.
  24. Engaged in adult gymnastics.
  25. Tested the springs.
  26. Made the bed rock.
  27. Baked a special cake.
  28. Played hide the salami.
  29. Danced the horizontal tango.
  30. Checked the plumbing.
  31. Went for a magic carpet ride.
  32. Performed a duet.
  33. Went to the love rodeo.
  34. Dipped the wick.
  35. Did a mattress mambo.
  36. Rode the express train to Pleasuretown.
  37. Visited the secret garden.
  38. Went fishing in the dark.
  39. Frolicked in the sheets.
  40. Engaged in nocturnal activities.
  41. Stirred the honey pot.
  42. Conducted a midnight symphony.
  43. Explored the south pole.
  44. Took a joyride.
  45. Butter churned.
  46. Launched the rocket.
  47. Held a private dance party.
  48. Went on a treasure hunt
  49. Got lost in the sauce.
  50. Turned up the heat.
  51. Opened Pandora’s box.
  52. Played patty-cake.
  53. Set sail on the love boat.
  54. Scored a home run.
  55. Went spelunking.
  56. Had a pillow conference.
  57. Baked cookies.
  58. Played house.
  59. Assembled the jigsaw puzzle.
  60. Rolled the dice.
  61. Chased the rabbit.
  62. Swung from the chandeliers.
  63. Read the Kama Sutra.
  64. Did some indoor sports.
  65. Went to fantasy land.
  66. Played on the trampoline.
  67. Joined the mile-high club.
  68. Went on a safari.
  69. Visited the hardware store.
  70. Checked the oil.
  71. Painted the town red.
  72. Planted the flag.
  73. Went on a moonlight cruise.
  74. Dove into the deep end.
  75. Visited the candy shop.
  76. Mined for diamonds.
  77. Tossed the salad.
  78. Rode the roller coaster.
  79. Went to the carnival.
  80. Walked the plank.
  81. Knocked boots.
  82. Pressed the panic button.
  83. Went on a hot air balloon ride.
  84. Broke the bed.
  85. Played twister.
  86. Went around the world.
  87. Danced in the rain.
  88. Went on a jungle expedition.
  89. Climbed the mountain.
  90. Went on a spacewalk.
  91. Tuned the piano.
  92. Tossed the pizza dough.
  93. Played in the sandbox.
  94. Went on a bear hunt.
  95. Rocked the boat.
  96. Went bowling.
  97. Scored a touchdown.
  98. Made a mixtape.
  99. Went on a magic ride.
  100. Blew up the balloon.
  101. Went bungee jumping.
  102. Tamed the wild beast.
  103. Went glamping.
  104. Hopped on the express train.
  105. Went on a tea party.
  106. Sailed the seven seas.

Funny Ways to Say Had Sex

Creative Ways to Say Had Sex

Below are the 90 creative ways to say “Had Sex”:

  1. Engaged in midnight gymnastics rendezvous.
  2. Explored passionate bedroom escapades together.
  3. United in rhythmic carnal harmony.
  4. Frolicked in sensual nocturnal ballet.
  5. Played a passionate symphony.
  6. Engaged in amorous acrobatics.
  7. Danced the horizontal tango.
  8. Explored each other’s galaxies.
  9. Frolicked in the love garden.
  10. Became one in body and soul.
  11. Merged like waves in the ocean.
  12. Rolled in the hay of desire.
  13. Ascended the peak of pleasure.
  14. Swayed to the rhythm of love.
  15. Wove a tapestry of desire.
  16. Composed a sonnet of seduction.
  17. Entwined like serpents in the night.
  18. Tasted the forbidden fruit.
  19. Carved a love story in time.
  20. Painted a masterpiece of ecstasy.
  21. Got Busy.
  22. Did the Deed.
  23. Bumped Uglies.
  24. Love-Making.
  25. Intimacy.
  26. Connected.
  27. Dallied.
  28. Did It.
  29. Rolled in the Hay.
  30. Climaxed Together.
  31. Made Love.
  32. Pleasured Each Other.
  33. Enjoyed Intimate Moments Together.
  34. Locked Horns.
  35. Got Kinky.
  36. Did the Nasty.
  37. Bedroom Olympics/Activities/Sports.
  38. Creative Exploration.
  39. Rendezvoused.
  40. Got Naughty.
  41. Gave in to Temptation.
  42. Played Hide the Salami/Sausage.
  43. Bedded Down Together.
  44. Did the Wild Thing.
  45. Hooked Up.
  46. Made Whoopee.
  47. Knocked Boots.
  48. Took the Plunge.
  49. Shared an Intimate Moment Together.
  50. Got Down and Dirty Together.
  51. Did the Horizontal Mambo/Tango.
  52. Got Frisky.
  53. Tapped That.
  54. Sentimental Journey Together.
  55. Heated Up the Sheets.
  56. Got Cozy Together.
  57. Participated in Some Adult Fun Time Together.
  58. Rendered Love Services to Each Other.
  59. Gave into Passionate Desires Together.
  60. Indulged in Pleasures of the Flesh.
  61. Got Steamy Together.
  62. Swept Each Other Away in a Moment of Bliss.
  63. Conquered the Beast with Two Backs Together.
  64. Shared an Intimate Interlude Together.
  65. Sealed the Deal Between Us in Our Bedroom Encounters.
  66. Ventured into Forbidden Realms of Pleasure Together.
  67. Experienced an Unforgettable Night Together.
  68. Frolicked in the Bedroom Garden Together.
  69. Felt the Fire of Passion Together.
  70. Unbridled Naughtiness.
  71. Engaged in a Little Bedroom Fun.
  72. Got Intimate with Each Other.
  73. Exchanged Sensual Favors.
  74. Touched Souls as Well as Bodies Together.
  75. Took Part in Carnal Delights Together.
  76. Experienced Ecstasy Together.
  77. Experienced Heaven on Earth Together.
  78. Enjoyed a Night of Pleasure and Passion Together.
  79. Got Swept Up in the Moment Together.
  80. Celebrated Our Love with Intimacy and Affection Together.
  81. Explored Our Desires Together.
  82. Rewarded Each Other with a Night of Wild Abandon Together.
  83. Indulged in Pure Unadulterated Pleasure Together.
  84. Basked in Our Mutual Sexual Attraction Together.
  85. Shared a Sensual Moment of Tenderness and Love Together.
  86. Gave into Our Primal Needs Together.
  87. Experienced an Unforgettable Night of Passion Together.
  88. Let Loose with Carnal Pleasures Together.
  89. Enjoyed the Fruits of Our Labor Together.
  90. Shared a Moment of Unbridled Bliss Together.

Creative Ways to Say Had Sex

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