160+ Creative and Funny Ways to Say Hello In a Text Message

Asking someone “How are you?” with a simple hello text message is so yesterday! Whether you have a crush, are trying to break the ice with a new friend, or are just feeling playfully mischievous, why not try something fun and creative this time around? Here we’re going to give you some ideas for fun ways to say hello in your text messages that will get things off on the right foot – and make sure it stays light-hearted and playful. So let’s start off your conversation with an intriguing twist…

Ways to Say Hello In a Text Message

Below are the 5 best ways to say “Hello In a Text Message” in 2024:

  1. Hey there! 👋
  2. Hiya! How’s it going?
  3. Hello! Long time no chat!
  4. Hi! What’s new with you?
  5. Hey! Ready to catch up?

Ways to Say Hello In a Text Message

Funny Ways to Say Hello In a Text Message

Below are the 85 funny ways to say “Hello In a Text Message”:

  1. Aloha, hula partner!
  2. Howdy-doody, texting buddy!
  3. Greetings, Earthling!
  4. Salutations, textstronaut!
  5. Knock knock, it’s your text-door neighbor!
  6. Ahoy there, textmatey!
  7. Holla atcha, emoji enthusiast!
  8. Text-top o’ the mornin’ to ya!
  9. Bonjourno, message maestro!
  10. Heeelloooo from the text-i-verse!
  11. Hi-ho, silver text-away!
  12. Yabadabadoo, text-a-roo!
  13. G’day, textaroo!
  14. Yoohoo, textacabra!
  15. Ciao for now, keyboard conqueror!
  16. Textelicious, textarooni!
  17. Peek-a-text, I see you!
  18. Wazzzzzup, text-a-saurus rex!
  19. Hey there, text-a-rific pal!
  20. Pika-pika, textémon trainer!
  21. Sup, buttered biscuit?
  22. Hiya sunshine!
  23. Ahoy-hoy!
  24. Yo, what’s shakin’?
  25. (•◡•)/Hi!
  26. Hola, taco lover!
  27. Hey there cutie pie!
  28. *waves* Hiiiiiii!
  29. ‘Ello, guv’nor!
  30. What’s cookin’, good lookin’?
  31. Hey there, hot stuff!
  32. Greetings and salutations!
  33. Howdy-doody!
  34. Heeeeeeyyyy!!!
  35. Ahoy, matey!
  36. Aloha!
  37. ‘Sup?
  38. Hi friends!
  39. Hey!
  40. Howdy-ho neighboring!
  41. Hullo!
  42. Salutations!
  43. Bonjour!
  44. Hey, handsome!
  45. Hi-de-ho!
  46. Howdy-doo!
  47. How’s it going?
  48. Hey there, gorgeous!
  49. Yo yo yo!
  50. Que pasa?
  51. Hi, beautiful!
  52. What up, buttercup?
  53. Ahoy ahoy!
  54. Hey-oh!
  55. Hola amigo!
  56. Hiya pal!
  57. Howdy doodly doo?
  58. What’s crackin’?
  59. G’day mate!
  60. ‘Sup homeslice?
  61. What’s new?
  62. Howzit goin’?
  63. Hey-ya!
  64. What’s the good word?
  65. Hi there, buddy!
  66. Howdy partner!
  67. Yo yo!
  68. ‘Sup dood?
  69. What’s poppin’?
  70. Howdy-dah!
  71. Hi all!
  72. How’re you doin’?
  73. Hey, friends!
  74. Salut!
  75. Hiya palooza!
  76. Hola como estas?
  77. What’s happening?
  78. Ahoy-ay!
  79. What’s shakin’, bacon?
  80. Hiya!
  81. Hey there, tiger!
  82. Wazzup?
  83. Howdy-diddly-ho!
  84. Ciao Bella!
  85. Hola chica!

Funny Ways to Say Hello In a Text Message

Creative Ways to Say Hello In a Text Message

Below are the 80 creative ways to say “Hello In a Text Message”:

  1. Hola, amig@!
  2. Bonjour, mon ami(e)!
  3. Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!
  4. Aloha, beautiful soul!
  5. Konnichiwa, kawaii friend!
  6. Ciao, bella(o)!
  7. Namaste, wise one!
  8. Hej, fellow adventurer!
  9. Ni hao, cool cat!
  10. Jambo, world traveler!
  11. Yoohoo, magical creature!
  12. Well, butter my biscuits! Look who it is!
  13. ‘Ello, gov’nor!
  14. Peeka-boo! I see you!
  15. Hey there, hot stuff!
  16. What’s crackalackin’, my friend?
  17. Knock, knock! Who’s there? It’s me!
  18. Whazzup, my extraordinary comrade?
  19. Yo, Picasso! Ready to paint the town red?
  20. Hey-hey, Captain Fantastic! Ready to conquer the day?
  21. Hi there!
  22. Hey, what’s up?
  23. How’s it going?
  24. Good morning/afternoon/evening!
  25. What’s new?
  26. Sup?
  27. Bonjour!
  28. Howdy!
  29. Hiya!
  30. Hola!
  31. Yo!
  32. Hey hey!
  33. I hope this message finds you well.
  34. How have you been?
  35. It’s good to hear from you!
  36. Long time no see!
  37. What’s shaking?
  38. Howdy-doody!
  39. What’s cooking?
  40. Hi friend!
  41. Greetings from (insert location)!
  42. What’s been going on?
  43. Top of the morning to you!
  44. I’ve been thinking about you.
  45. It’s so good to hear from you!
  46. How have you been doing?
  47. Salutations!
  48. Cheerio!
  49. What’s crack-a-lackin’?
  50. G’day mate!
  51. It’s nice to meet you!
  52. What’s the good word?
  53. Howdy-ho!
  54. Wassup?
  55. What’s going on in your world?
  56. Hi there, stranger!
  57. How’s everything?
  58. Hi-ya chic/dude!
  59. Hi beautiful/handsome!
  60. Greetings earthling!
  61. How have you been keeping?
  62. It’s so nice to “see” you!
  63. What’s up buttercup?
  64. Hiya pal!
  65. It’s nice to “e-meet” you!
  66. Howdy partner!
  67. What have you been doing lately?
  68. Hi cutie/hunk!
  69. Hiya gorgeous!
  70. Hey there good-lookin’!
  71. I can’t wait to hear from you!
  72. It’s been too long!
  73. How have you been holding up?
  74. Hi superstar!
  75. What’s been on your mind?
  76. How have you been getting along?
  77. Hiya champ!
  78. I’ve been missing you!
  79. It’s a pleasure to e-meet you!
  80. Greetings from (insert location)

Creative Ways to Say Hello In a Text Message


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