100 Formal Ways To Say Are Not

In the intricate tapestry of the English language, various phrases and expressions can be used to convey negation. The simple “are not” is straightforward, but for moments demanding eloquence or a touch of formality, one might seek a more polished phrase. Dive into this compilation of 100 formal alternatives to the commonly used “are not”.

Formal Ways To Say Are Not

Below are the 100 formal ways to say “Are Not”:

  1. Nonexistent
  2. Null
  3. Off
  4. Skipped
  5. Non-parallel
  6. Unrelated
  7. Discrepant
  8. Out
  9. Disconnected
  10. Noted as missing
  11. Incompatible
  12. Other than
  13. Devoid
  14. Bereft
  15. Unsuitable
  16. Disqualified
  17. Left out
  18. Not included
  19. Varying
  20. Different
  21. Erroneous
  22. Alien
  23. Outlying
  24. Mismatched
  25. Contrasting
  26. Excluding
  27. Excepted
  28. Nonsimilar
  29. Unlike
  30. Out of place
  31. Inconsistent
  32. Deviating
  33. Deficient
  34. Not in
  35. Barred
  36. Non-comparable
  37. Not even
  38. Without
  39. Lacking
  40. Noted as absent
  41. Non-adherent
  42. Non-confirming
  43. Free from
  44. Atypical
  45. Out of line
  46. Not to be
  47. Disparate
  48. Beyond
  49. Not so
  50. Exempt
  51. Missing
  52. Unalike
  53. Dissimilar
  54. Apart
  55. Not it
  56. Variant
  57. Unmatched
  58. None
  59. Diverse
  60. Disjoined
  61. Amiss
  62. Unfit
  63. Irrelevant
  64. Not thus
  65. Excluded
  66. Estranged
  67. Omitted
  68. Void
  69. Zero
  70. Non-aligned
  71. Disjunct
  72. Divergent
  73. Not one
  74. Estranged from
  75. Non-affiliated
  76. Distanced from
  77. Sidelined
  78. Non-participant
  79. Extern
  80. Outcast
  81. Outsider
  82. Exorbitant from
  83. Uncounted
  84. Not factored in
  85. Not recognized as
  86. Disregarded
  87. Outcasted
  88. Non-coinciding
  89. Separate entity
  90. Disallowed
  91. Ineligible
  92. Outside the scope
  93. Not perceived as
  94. Unlisted
  95. Unrecorded
  96. Not on par
  97. Non-adhesive
  98. Uninvolved
  99. Not in sync
  100. Disassociate

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formal ways to say are not

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