Synonym Words

Other Synonym Words for “As It Stands”

Other Synonym Words for “As It Stands”

“As it stands” is an idiomatic expression indicating the current state or condition of a situation or matter without considering potential changes, providing an assessment or description of the present circumstances. Synonym Words for “As It Stands”  Below are the synonym words for “As it stands”: 1. Currently Example: The project is currently under review […]

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Other Synonym Words for “At Your Earliest Convenience”

Other Synonym Words for “At Your Earliest Convenience”

“At your earliest convenience” is a polite phrase used to request timely action or response without imposing urgency. It implies flexibility, encouraging the recipient to address the matter as soon as possible. Other Words for “At Your Earliest Convenience” Below are the synonym words for “At Your Earliest Convenience”: 1. Promptly Please send the requested

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Other Synonym Words for “Asking For Too Much”

Other Synonym Words for “Asking For Too Much”

“Asking for too much” refers to making demands or requests that exceed reasonable or acceptable limits, often straining expectations or resources, leading to a perceived imbalance or unreasonableness in the request. Synonym Words for “Asking For Too Much” Below are the synonym words for “Asking For Too Much”: 1. Demanding She was demanding an unreasonable

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Other Synonym Words for “As Stated Above”

As stated above” is a transitional phrase used to refer to information or points mentioned earlier in a document, conversation, or text, directing the reader or listener to previously presented content. Synonym Words for “As Stated Above” Below are the synonym words for “As Stated Above”: 1. Expressed Earlier Example: The main objectives of the

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Other Synonym Words for “As Mentioned Before”

Other Synonym Words for “As Mentioned Before”

“As mentioned before” is a transitional phrase used to refer to information or points previously stated in a conversation or text, serving to reinforce or recall previously discussed content. Synonym Words for “As Mentioned Before” Below are the synonym words for “As Mentioned Before”: 1. As Previously Stated Example: The project scope was clearly defined,

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